Empowering Black America through Holistic Engagement
Lavar Ball vs Donald Trump ~ Escaping the Eurocentric Idea!

Lavar Ball vs Donald Trump ~ Escaping the Eurocentric Idea!

Lavar Ball vs Donald Trump ~ Escaping the Eurocentric Idea!

Lavar Ball vs Donald Trump ~ Escaping the Eurocentric

Everyone seems to be talking about the CNN interview that Lavar Ball did where he downplayed the importance of the role that Donald Trump played in getting his son, LiAngelo Ball, and two other UCLA basketball players released by Chinese officials after being accused of shoplifting.
 (Part 2)

The three players were with the UCLA team in China to play in a tournament, and the three were accused of attempting to steal sunglasses from an upscale boutique need the hotel they were staying at. Why the details are still unclear, sources reveal that one of the players attempt to lift the glasses and the other two refuses to validate the suspicion, so the took all three into custody.
Whatever happened, the one thing that has become evident is that Donal Trump is demanding credit for their release and Lavar Ball is not having it. What is interesting is that LiAngelo actually thanked Trump during the initial press conference after they arrived back in America, but Lavar has consistently downplayed Trump’s involvement.
There are so many different points to be made on this but I want to focus on several key issues. First, we have to abandon our proclivity to acquiesce to the Eurocentric idea of what is and is not acceptable. We conform to a Eurocentric idea of what is professional, classy, beautiful and more.
(Part 2)

I was not going to get involved in this, but I find myself completely annoyed by Blacks who are hell-bent on judging Blacks based on a Eurocentric idea of what is right. We have been indoctrinated into the Eurocentric idea of what is professional, beautiful, classy, clean-cut and so much more.

Furthermore, we have become so deeply indoctrinated into the Eurocentric idea that we actually feel embarrassed when another Black violates the Eurocentric code because we so desperately desire the approbation of White America.

Have you ever wondered why Lavar gets so many interviews on mainstream media? It is because they are exposing him to his own for correction. They are using us to attack him and put him in his place — to diminish the brand he has built.

This is what Lavar Ball has done:

1. Created a precise plan of action for his sons before they could even walk.
2. Built a Brand off of the work he invested in his sons.
3. Completely changed the game as far as how athletes will control their own value moving forward.
4. Forcefully took a larger slice of the pie, knowing the value that his sons bring to the table.
5. and more…

I have been known as a renegade all of my life because I refuse to succumb to some foreign idea of how I should dress and behave. I respect the space and opinions of others, but also demand that they do the same with me. One of the reasons that Blacks can’t seem to make progress is that we are absolutely determined to play by the rules created by our oppressors. In more than 152 years of quasi-freedom, we have progressed nada but we keep toeing the line. Kudos to Lavar Ball for being Lavar Ball. ~ Rick Wallace, Ph.D., Psy.D.


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