Empowering Black America through Holistic Engagement
Detroit in Crisis: Bankruptcy, Dictatorship and Forclosure

Detroit in Crisis: Bankruptcy, Dictatorship and Forclosure

Detroit in Crisis: Bankruptcy, Dictatorship and Forclosure

As I continue my sabbatical, I am working in the background to identify issues that need to be addressed in the black community, and simultaneously developing processes and systems that have the capacity to address these issues.

My sabbatical is the combination of the need to service my own business growth as well as focus on ways that I can personally impact the struggle of my black brothers and sisters in this country. Honestly, I have lost a lot of faith in the ability to use social media as a building block or mechanism for change and empowerment. It is not that the potential does not exist; it is simply that the focus of the vast majority of blacks on social media is centered on “self.”

There are far too many arguments and debates about issues that are irrelevant to the struggle. There is too much grandstanding, and there is definitely too much finger pointing and name calling. Social media has created an environment in which it is more probable to find someone attacking the beliefs of another, instead of someone reaching out to help a brother.

While observing the monumental struggle before us, I came upon this report, which is only one of many. Detroit is an acute microcosm of what is taking place in cities across America as gentrification displaces hundreds of thousands of blacks each year.

Detroit is central to developing the long-term solution of empowering and elevating the black race. The rate of blight in this city is astronomical; however, the opportunity to take significant steps in reestablishing exponential growth possibilities for black business and residential development in this area is remarkable.

There is a contrived and manufactured system in place that is designed to displace and exploit the black citizens of Detroit. The state has recently put a law on the books that bans people who previously owned a home that is now if foreclosure from repurchasing the home. This is a direct strategy aimed at keeping black families from reclaiming their communities. The thing is that these homes are not being foreclosed on via traditional methods, such as bank foreclosure. These foreclosures are via the government by means of tax foreclosure — using exaggerated property valuations. Residents are having their utilities disconnected for delinquent bills of $100 or less, while corporations are amassing utility bills of $30,000 or more, and yet their utilities are still on.

There are a number of concerns that pierced my soul when watching this report. First and foremost, why does it seem that non-blacks seem to be more interested in our situation than we are? At what point are we going to start to stand and fight on our own? Not only are black residents being displaced, but black investors and business owners are few and far in between when it comes to taking advantage of the market that is being created in this environment. Honestly, we simply are not being smart. We are losing on the Grand Chessboard.

As I continue to evaluate the current collective state of black America, I look for leaders in these communities that I believe are serious about fighting for our people. In Detroit, there are people who are working on behalf of our people. For those of you who are willing to be a part of the solution, please contact Craig Samuels​, to find out how you can help. There are several fronts that need immediate attention, beginning with engaging a political climate that has been corrupted as the city is currently functioning under the dictatorship of the Emergency Manager appointed by the Governor. There is also a need to evaluate the best approach to dealing with the education deficiency in Detroit. We also need to focus on building black businesses and we must be willing to financially underwrite the progression of business development. With a collective $1.1 trillion in annual spending power, blacks are more than capable. If we were a nation, which we claim, we would be the ninth wealthiest nation in the world, but this wealth means absolutely nothing if it is not focused as an aggregate force.

What we need is to develop think tanks that are specifically devoted to develping solutions in each of these areas. We must invest in the development of these think tanks in order to effectively advance the black agenda.

Lastly, all of the talk on social media about black mobility and black empowerment means absolutely nothing when it is not accompanied by corresponding action. It is time for blacks to stop patting themselves on the back for what they think they know, and it is definitely time to stop tearing others down and degrading them for what we think they don’t know. I am disappointed at what I see on social media when it comes to the black collective. We are still functioning from a place of individualism, instead of standing on the foundation of collectivism. How about we spend less time attacking the lie and more time living the truth.

Allow me to elucidate that last statement. My grandmother once shared something with that I have seen quoted many times since in one way or another. She said, “Baby, stop trying to convince people that what they are hearing is a lie. Simply live the truth. The truth is like a lion, you don’t have to defend it. Just turn it loose and it will defend itself.” In my life, I have learned that I gain more ground when I stop screaming “lie,” “lie” and simply present the truth. The truth will expose the lie. I will leave this with you to ponder.

Let us step up and reach out. Again, reach out to Craig Samuels to find out what can be done to make an impact in Detroit. It is my personal belief that if we effectively turn things around in Detroit, we will set in motion a kinetic force that will be unstoppable. I am not sure when I will come out of my sabbatical, but I will continue to drop in to share that which I believe is vital to the elevation of blacks in America. ~ Dr. Rick Wallace, Ph.D.


To watch the report on the current state of Detroit, click the following link.

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