The Odyssey Project

Empowering Black America through Holistic Engagement
The Odyssey Project

Donations from the West Mask $60BN Looting of Africa

DONATIONS FROM THE WEST MASK ‘$60BN LOOTING’ OF AFRICA Editorial Staff | August 15, 2014 | Comments (0) AFRICANGLOBE – Western countries are using aid to Africa as a smokescreen to hide the “sustained looting” of the continent as it loses nearly US$60 billion a year through tax evasion, climate change mitigation, and the …

How to Make the Most of Africa’s Business Boom

HOW TO MAKE THE MOST OF AFRICA’S BUSINESS BOOM Editorial Staff | August 15, 2014 | Comments (0) — Courtesy of AFRICANGLOBE – Following the close of this week’s unprecedented U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit, the business community’s eyes are trained on African. Perhaps not since colonization has the West demonstrated such concerted interest in that …

8 Successful and Aspiring Black Communities Destroyed by White Neighbors

8 Successful and Aspiring Black Communities Destroyed by White Neighbors Courtesy of Atlanta Black Star December 4, 2013 | Posted by A Moore Tagged With: black wall street, Chicago Race Riots, Greenwood, Knoxville, New York City Draft Riot, red summer,Rosewood Massacre, Tennessee Race Riots, The East St. Louis Massacre, Tulsa Oklahoma bombing, Washington D.C. Race Riots Atlanta Race Riot (1906) When the …

When The Media Treats White Suspects And Killers Better Than Black Victims

When The Media Treats White Suspects And Killers Better Than Black Victims Courtesy of The Huffington Post  | By Nick Wing Posted: 08/14/2014 8:35 am EDT Updated: 08/14/2014 8:59 am EDT Print Article On the afternoon of Aug. 9, a police fatally officer shot an unarmed, black teenager, Michael Brown, in Ferguson, Missouri. Details remain in dispute. Eyewitnesses …

No More Trayvon Martins

No More Trayvon Martins Campaign Appeal   No More Trayvon Martins Campaign Appeal The mass mobilization and media generated in response to the outcry over the murder of Trayvon Martin and how it was handled by the Sanford police, provides the human rights movement with a critical opportunity. The opportunity …

Tavis Smiley Questions Minister Louis Farrakhan about President Obama Part 5 of 5-Part Series

Tavis Smiley questions Minister Louis Farrakhan on some heavy issues including President Obama and the Black Agenda

Tavis Smiley Questions Minister Louis Farrakhan about President Barack Obama Part 4 of 5-Part Series

Minister Louis Farrakhan engages some significant issues plaguing the black community as part of a summit on the black agenda hosted by Tavis Smiley

Tavis Smiley Questions Minister Louis Farrakhan about President Obama Part 3 of 5-part Series

As part of Tavis Smiley’s “We Count” Fourm, he questions Minister Louis Farakhan on a number of powerful issues concerning the president and the black agenda.