Empowering Black America through Holistic Engagement
The Role of Propaganda in the Feminization of the Black Male Image and Gender Ambiguity

The Role of Propaganda in the Feminization of the Black Male Image and Gender Ambiguity

the Feminization of the Black Male Image and Gender Ambiguity

The Role of Propaganda in the Feminization of the Black Male Image and Gender Ambiguity

I have been writing and speaking on the feminization agenda for years. I have been accused of being homophobic and spewing hatred — neither of which is true. I possess undying love for my Black brothers and sisters, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identification. However, my undying love does not require that I accept or stand in agreement with concepts, ideas, beliefs, and behaviors that I am either inherently, experientially, or discoverably opposed to.

The use of propaganda as a means of social conditioning is well documented and results are obvious. How else can you explain the massive paradigm shift that has occurred over the last 40 years as it pertains to sexual orientation and gender assignment?

There has been a push to silence voices like myself and others who effectively point out the flaws in the arguments supporting the inherent nature of gender confusion and diverted sexual orientation.

Addressing the Current Narrative

First of all, I am going to keep speaking the truth as I understand it. I stay under the gun with the LGTBQ community (and I am done trying to remember the continuous addition of letters and categories). It is simple, there is an agenda to feminize the male image while confusing sexual orientation in minors (gender ambiguity). This is especially prevalent in the Black community. There is also a push to redefine masculinity — thus the term toxic masculinity.

Black men who are bold and stand up straight pose a threat to the mainstream power structure and we are perceived as a threat in almost every situation. By way of social construct, everything imaginable is being done to neutralize the threat. Additionally, heterosexual men procreate, which is yet another threat.

I have been writing and speaking about this for years.

I propose that the term “homophobia” is being misused to guilt and intimidate those who oppose the views and lifestyles of those within the LGTBQ community. A phobia is an irrational fear of something. To disagree is not a form of hatred nor is it a form of fear; it is my right as a human. I will not be intimidated or pushed back. In fact, the more it is forced upon me, the more I will push back.

We must be willing to admit that there is a certain level of hypocrisy in the manner that the LGTBQ agenda is being presented. They desire the freedom to live their lives as they see fit, but resist any idea of extending that same freedom to those who oppose their lifestyle.

What is crazy to me is the fact that they have pushed this agenda so forcefully that it is rapidly normalizing this type of behavior to the point that many of us find ourselves defending it more than we defend our race. This has been an organized agenda since at least 1972 with the NSSM 200 (A national agenda for international population control, with an extreme focus on the Black race). The NSSM 200 was followed by the NSSM 2000 (a memorandum on the machinations used to execute population control).[1]

Those who are familiar with the DSM (Diagnostics and Statistical Manual of Psychiatric Disorders) will notice that this time frame coincides with the removal of homosexuality as a mental disorder.

What most don’t know is that the leaders in the field of psychology during this period were pressured to remove it but wrote, in their dissension, that the removal was not because they believe that homosexuality was a natural and normal occurrence. In other words, they were stating that they did not believe that individuals were born homosexual.

We are not only experiencing the feminization of the Black male image but they are conditioning the masses to judge those who stand against femininity in men. There is a concerted effort to normalize effeminate traits in heterosexual men. The inherent and recognizable traits of masculinity that facilitate the role of men in social environments are being labeled toxic in lieu of something more docile and compliant. This inherent masculinity that I speak of is at the core of the man’s willingness to risk his life to protect his wife, family, the elderly, and the community in general. While the LGBTQ is fighting for acceptance, the government is promoting compliance and docility — same agenda, different motives.

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the Feminization of the Black Male Image and Gender Ambiguity
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The Use of Propaganda to Establish New Paradigms and Narratives

If you don’t understand the force of media-driven propaganda, much of what is transpiring right now will get right passed you. The use of propaganda to control the mindset and thinking of the masses is not anything new and there is a wealth of pragmatic and empirical data that outlines how and why propaganda is so effective. This is why we must manage what we consume by way of sight and hearing.

Simply put, we are at war and the rules of engagement are quite different than what one might assume. The goal here is not to enslave the body but the mind.

Adolf Hitler used media-driven propaganda to drive the rise of the Nazi regime in Germany

“One of the factors that helped the Nazis rise to power was propaganda. The Nazis used propaganda throughout the late 1920s and the early 1930’s to boost Hitler’s image, and, as a result of this and other aspects, he became extremely popular.”[2]

In addition to using propaganda to increase the popularity of Hitler and the Nazi party, they also used it to demonize and dehumanize the Jews (both European and African).

For many who are still baffled about Donald Trump’s rise to power, you need not look any further than the subtle messages by way of media that were aimed specifically at poor, lower middle class, and median middle-class Whites. For years, there have been messages driven by the media that suggests that immigrants and minorities were destroying the fabric of the country. It was a subtle way of saying that these groups were robbing White America of its privilege. Many voted for him out of fear of becoming irrelevant in this country.

Propaganda has the ability to excuse rationale and what should be considered common sense. When it comes to propaganda, it is not simply what we see and accept as truth. Even if we initially disagree with something, it will eventually become inculcated into our subconscious if we don’t cut off the source. This is important because the subconscious controls 96 percent of human behavior. Media-driven propaganda will dictate how we see and respond to things.

Those of you who are old enough, if you look back to the 1970s, you will see the subtle normalization of homosexual activity on television from virtually zero exposure to highly explicit acts in recent years. We have gone from a time in which you could not even hear profanity on mainstream television to an era in which anything goes. If it is normalized on television, it will become normalized within the culture.

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In the Black community, one area that was targeted was the Black church. For those of us who grew up in the Black church, there was a noticeable gay male population. This was not by accident. Leon J. Podles wrote about it in his book, “The Church Impotent.”[3] Podles addresses this phenomenon in great detail, even addressing the fact that the gay male population served to alienate heterosexual men who found it unacceptable.

Both Edward Bernays and Tom Burrell point out the power of propaganda and how it is used to drive public opinion and write new narratives.[4] [5]

What should be of concern to every Black parent is the fact that this agenda is being pushed in public schools. Our minor-aged children are being purposefully targeted by the authors of this agenda. What is being taught to prepubescent children has crossed the line of what is appropriate. Children are literally being encouraged to question their gender through the new gender identification movement — championing a notion that you can simply choose who you are as it pertains to gender. This notion does not consider biological influences such as hormone and chemical balance. It does not honestly examine the fact that hormonal therapy is not a replacement for the body’s natural production of such hormones and chemicals. More profoundly, it does consider the universal demand for homeostasis between seemingly independent elements that include emotions, mentality, physicality, spirituality, etc. While these elements and components of one’s life seemingly operate independently, they are actually highly dependent upon one another. Changing the hormone makeup of an individual does not change sex nor gender. Gender assignment surgery will not completely change the sex nor gender because the nature of one’s being is simply more complex than that.

There is a reason that depression and suicide are above average in these groups.

Allow me to provide a moment of elucidation. As I stated at the beginning of this short treatise, I love all of my brothers and sisters, regardless of perceived faults — with the exception of those who have completely sold out our people for money and acceptance from White society. My love does not demand a requisite of accepting and approving of all behavior. I hold no hatred or animosity toward any of my brothers and sisters. I do not condone violence toward them solely based on their sexual orientation or gender identification. I do, however, warn against stealthing — transgendered individuals presenting themselves as what they identify with without disclosing the entire truth. I guess what I am attempting to convey here is the fact that my stance is not coming from a place of hatred.

Fact vs Fiction

Another unfounded concept that is being pushed through the mainstream media is the idea that homosexual orientation and cross-gender identity is congenital. The media is pushing the notion that people are born gay and gender confusion is also, in some way, inherent. What is ignored is the consistent and direct correlation between men and women who identify as homosexual and childhood sexual abuse. I have worked with literally hundreds of gay men and women and I have yet to find one that was not a victim of molestation, rape, or incest as a minor. There is extensive extant data that provides evidence that suggests childhood sexual trauma contributes to future sexual orientation. While additional work is necessary to identify the factors that drive this correlation, the number of individuals who identify as gay who experienced CSA is beyond statistically significant.[6][7][8]

I am not suggesting that everyone who identifies with being gay was molested as a child, but far too many have been for us to simply ignore its influence. In much of the work that I have done in this area, I have developed several hypotheses that approach the question of sexual orientation and gender modification being used as coping mechanisms for unprocessed trauma. There is still a great deal of work to be done.

When it comes to fact vs fiction, here is what we do know. The sex of an individual is determined in three distinct intervals:

  • Chromosomal sex (determined at the point of fertilization by the male spermatozoa)
  • Gonadal sex (begins as early as the 7th week of gestation as sexual organs and organic infrastructures start to develop
    • Formation fo male or female reproductive structures depend on several influencers
      • Gene action
      • Interactions with other embryos in the uterus
      • Interactions with the maternal environment
    • These interactions are what causes undifferentiated gonads to develop into either ovaries or testes
  • Phenotypic sex (expressed some time after birth becoming more pronounced with age.

While chromosomal anomalies can lead to gonadal deviation, it is extremely rare — happening in about .017 percent of births.[9]

I could get into the multitudinous chromosomal combinations, but it is not necessary to make the point I wish to make.

Sex is a scientific fact, you are either male or female — period.

When it comes gender, it is quite different. Gender is subject to social constructs and the observance of characteristics that observe behaviors that are either associated with being masculine or feminine. When you study cultures on a global scale, you will find that the gender roles and identifying characteristics vary geographically and culturally. The truth is a designed construct to distinguish between male and female for the purpose of empowering one group and disempowering another. It is a construct designed by a patriarchal society that has served tip the scales of power in the favor of those classified as men. There was a time in which the term “man” referred to both, male and female, but the gender construct changed that.

If Gender is Only a Construct, Why Is It So Important?

I have been asked why Gender should matter if it is only a social construct. My answer is simple. The term “woman” has become synonymous with a female. In fact, they have been used interchangeably for centuries. So being a woman is about a space that has been made for females to express themselves holistically. It reflects their uniqueness in the universe — there ability to bear life into the world an more. It is also reflective of the hardships and struggles women have endured historically.

For a person who cannot naturally experience the historical space of a woman, it is unfair for them to interpolate their ideas of reality into this historical space. When we allow this, it marginalizes the unique struggle that women have had to endure. It marginalizes their victories and persistence as it invites those who cannot relate to take part in the fruit of the struggle.

Phenotypic emulation does not constitute womanhood. Hormone supplementation only magnifies the fact that the person is not naturally what they are striving to become. While I have no problem making room for a person to openly express themselves as they choose, I am going to have to demand that they do it their own unique space and that they not attempt to invade the unique space of women — especially Black women.


While this piece drifted away from the feminization of Black males to examining gender confusion, I will argue that from the perspective of organized agendas and protocols, they are connected. In other words, I see transgenderism as a method of feminizing the male image, because even though most people will not say it, they still see a man living as a woman.

At the core of this dilemma is the right for people to choose how they live their lives; however, this right does not transcend the rights of others. We all have beliefs, behaviors, ideas, and concepts that will not be accepted by others. We have all been forced to accept that not all will accept us. Christians don’t show up in Islamic Mosques preaching the gospel. Black men don’t show up at Klan rallies preaching Black power, diversity, and acceptance. Every group has its safe spaces and they make the necessary adjustments when they travel outside those spaces. They are also aware that there are simply places they will not be welcomed in. The LGBTQ must abide by the same social and cultural paradigms and laws as everyone else.

While the pressure to be politically correct is an ever-increasing one, we hold an unrelenting responsibility to speak truth to power and to the masses. We must not relent in protecting the core values, interests, and principles that will serve us in our quest for liberation and empowerment.

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[1] (Guilfoyle, 1998)

[2] (Staff, 2018)

[3] (Podles, 1999)

[4] (Bernays, 1928)

[5] (Burrell, 2010)

[6] (Brown, 2017)

[7] (Lenderking, et al., 1997)

[8] (Y & Y., 2015)

[9] (Cummings, 2006)

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