Empowering Black America through Holistic Engagement
Lost in the Illusion of the Illuminati

Lost in the Illusion of the Illuminati

Lost in the Illusion of the Illuminati (Updated, July 10, 2015)

I originally wrote this article back in November of 2014 as a means of addressing the fixation that blacks have with the illuminati and the overwhelming sense of power ascribed to this secret organization by blacks. My primary concern, then, as it is now, is that any time this type of power is ascribed to any one thing, it has a tendency to rob the people who ascribe the power of their own power to control their destiny. I believe that at some level, blacks give so much attention to the Illuminati because an all-powerful secret organization that is responsible for every action in the world releases them of any responsibility for their current situation. It allows them to place the blame for failure on the illusion of a world that is under control of this secret society.

I dug this article oIlluminati2ut and updated it because of something I read on a post that was utterly absurd. It turns out that there are actually some blacks who believe that salads, yes the ones that you eat, are evil because they somehow originated from the Illuminati. I am not even going to waste my time addressing the ludicrus belief, but I will take the time to elucidate the true nature of the illuminati and where it stands in the grand scheme of things in this world.

“Lost in the Illusion of the Illuminati” is a piece that examines the fallacy behind the conspiracy theories surrounding the Illuminati, while challenging blacks to own their own destinies.

There are quite a few blacks that have become consumed with the entire mystery of the Illuminati. Someone posted an exceptional post earlier that pointed to the dangers of putting so much weight into the existence and impact of this secret society. I will add that it seems to me that the only thing that black people have become experts at is discovering reasons why they can’t succeed. Even when it comes to White supremacy racism, I am in agreement with Dr. Umar Johnson, white supremacy is absolutely nothing without black compliance.

What is even more enigmatic is the fact that while blacks have been chasing the Illuminati illusion — no coincidence — the political machine of the financial elite continues to expand and move forward. Instead of researching a secret organization that originated in 1,776 and was disbanded and outlawed nine years later — now represented by a number of different smaller sects, you may be better served researching an organization that was founded more recently — the Bilderberg Group — also known as the Bilderbergs.

The name of this group is taken from the place where the original conference was held in 1954, the Hotel de Bilderberg in the Netherlands. This group is for major financial players and the experts they trust. The Bilderberg Group meets once per year under the protection of military guard in whatever country they meet in. This think tank literally dictates global, financial and political policy through the Trilateral Commission.

For those of you who have been whining and complaining because of the lack of turn out on election day. Have a seat and pay close attention.

Over the course of the last 20 years, I have heard several people say that __________ (fill in the current president at the time) was not elected, he was selected. At the time, little did I know that statement was completely accurate. In 2009, Minister Louis Farrakhan was recorded saying the same thing about President Barack Obama.  What did they mean by that statement.

To understand that statement, we must go back to 1973. In 1973, David Rockefeller commissioned the establishment of the Trilateral Commission, which was to be a non-governmental, non-partisan political think tank comprised of people from North America, Europe and Japan.

Before moving forward, it is important to understand that although Japan is considered a sovereign nation, it is actually a glorified American colony. As a part of the conditions of surrender of Japan during WWII, they agreed to never amass a military. That is why there are U.S. Military Bases throughout Japan. This means that the sovereignty of Japan is protected by the U.S.

Hopefully, you are beginning to see the capacity for control and manipulation here.

This is where it get’s really interesting. David Rockefeller commission a man by the name of Zbigniew Brzezinski to head up the development of the Trilateral Commission. Brzezinski is considered to be the foremost political mastermind alive in the world today. To understand the brilliance of Brzezinski, and the genius behind the mechanisms being used to control the masses, you should read his book, “The Grand Chessboard.”

When I use the phrase “we are still playing checkers while they are playing chess,” it is this man I have in mind. It comes from reading The Grand Chess Board. One of the greatest failures of blacks, even those who are seeking knowledge, is that we tend to read only information that presents the black perspective. The problem is the paradigms that drive the global political and economic machines are not developed from our perspective. Reading books like the one mentioned above will allow you to get into the head of the enemy.

I digress. Since forming the Trilateral commission, Brzenzinski has successfully predicted every president that has taken office. Jimmy the Greek was the best handicapper I ever saw, and not even he got every last prediction right. Remember the phrase, “selected not elected” or “selected before they are elected.”

Now, it gets real interesting. Guess what bright young political student met Brezinski in 1979-81 while attending Occidental University. That’s right; a young Barack Obama, who Brezinski would mentor. Now fast forward to the early 2000s. Barack Obama was a relative “unknown” on the national political platform. Yet, he quickly progressed through the political ranks. As a state senator of Illinois, Barack Obama never authored one piece of legislature (which is like a rite of passage for politicians), yet he was fast tracked to the national senate race, where he won. As a U.S. Junior Senator who, again, had never authored one piece of legislature, he was thrust into the presidential race.

Get your signed copy of Dr. Wallace’s latest book, “The Mis-education of Black Youth in America!
After becoming president, guess who became President Obama’s Foreign Policy Advisor. You guessed it; Zbigniew Brzezinski. So allow me to make this clear: When Minister Louis Farrakhan said that Barack Obama was selected by white people to run white people’s affairs, he was 100 percent accurate.

There is so much more to share, but I don’t want to overload your brain just yet. Last week, someone posted something that very few people actually got. While the debate continues on whether the show Scandal actually  represents blacks well, very few people pay attention to the fact that they are showing you how they play the game.

Look, although there are sects of the Illuminati still in existence, it is not, by far, the most powerful secret society in the world. The Bildergergs and the Trilateral Commission are holding that down right now. And with that said, there is nothing all powerful about this group. Their greatest power comes through the compliance of those they look to control. Nobody stops you from doing anything. They may stand in your way, but you still control your destiny. I would argue that the only thing stopping Blacks now is not the Illuminati or the Bilderbergs, but it is blacks themselves.

The illusion of the Illuminati is not hidden in the veracity of its existence, nor the lack thereof. The illusion is in the inordinate power that is ascribed to this group. It is my belief that the most powerful weapon at the disposal of any person or group is self-awareness, and it is the lack of knowledge of self that has created an identity crisis that has proven to be the most destructive mechanism in the black collective. We give control of our lives to everyone except ourselves. It is my hope that this short treatise will challenge at least some of you to rise up and meet life head on.

I mentioned all of this to illuminate this one point. They are not doing anything that we can’t do, but we have to get on the chess board. Checkers are not cutting it! ~ Dr. Rick Wallace, Ph.D.

Side note: A secret society is not much of a secret society if you know everything they are doing and all the people who are in it.

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