Empowering Black America through Holistic Engagement
Mother Who Beat Son in Baltimore Riots Causes More Harm than Good!

Mother Who Beat Son in Baltimore Riots Causes More Harm than Good!

Mother Who Beat Son in Baltimore Riots Causes More Harm than Good!
First of all, blacks should have realized by now that if mainstream media is applauding it that means that it can’t possibly be good for us as a collective. If you don’t understand that, you probably should excuse yourself from this expanded dialogue.

Baltimore Mom Beats SonFor the people who think it is somehow a good thing for a black woman to beat up a young black man, especially in public, tell me how that builds his confidence, confirms his masculinity, affirms his ascendance into manhood, etc. There are multitudinous studies that reveal that corporal punishment, not only has a negative psychological impact on the individual, but it also has a negative physiological impact as well.

A recent Canadian Study produced some interesting results on how spanking can inhibit developmental growth of the brain. After reading Dr. Joy DeGruy’s book, Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome, and understanding how being whipped and beaten by slave masters has traumatized black people to the point that they are still dealing with it, I am puzzled who we can actually believe that this is good for our children.

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When you don’t know any better, it is impossible to do any better, but there is far too much information available to provide proper insight on the matter for blacks to continue perpetuating the same behavior. Listen, when your only argument for doing something is, “my mother/father did it to me,” you need to examine things in a more in-depth manner. Just remember, that when you whip your child, the primary goal is to create fear and subjugation, but a frightened and subjugated child becomes a frightened and subjugated adult. This is definitely counterproductive when that child is a male.

As a collective, blacks have been beating the hell out of our children since Massa started beating the hell out of us. Tell me how it has worked out for us. We are the majority in the prison system. We have the highest rate of divorce in this country. We have the highest rate of men who say they will never be married. We have the highest rate per capita of single parent households, and I could go on.

What gets me is that the vast majority of black women who are supporting this are single, and the men who are supporting it were predominantly raised by single women, and no one seems to see the correlation. There is a cycle at play. Also, the same willingness of these women to emasculate a black male is why they are perpetually single (That is an entirely different discussion, but it is worth pondering).

Just because our parents did it to us, doesn’t make it a good idea. At some point we have to look at what we have created, and determine that it is time to do something different. A woman manhandling a black male is not acceptable. It teaches him to be docile toward women. He may very well grow up functional and get married and support his family, but rarely will he lead them, and he definitely will not be a leader in his community.

The chances are that his wife will have a more dominant personality than he does. When I counsel families, I advise mothers to surrender all disciplining of their male children to the father or some other male in the family. There is a different psychological impact when a man asserts himself, almost a right of passage so to speak.

There is nothing affirming to a young black male in getting beaten up by a woman — regardless to who she is. Not only that, this young man is now being paraded around the media circuit (again showing that this can’t be good for the black male image.) and it is easy to see his frame of mind. Women, there is nothing to be proud of in breaking the spirit of a young black man, especially, when we have so few.

My suggestion is that instead of addressing this issue from a place of emotion and tradition, take the time to conduct the necessary research into the topic, so that it can be discussed intelligently. I promise you that if you open your eyes and consume the data, it will at least give you something to think about. ~ Dr. Rick Wallace, Ph.D.

Mother Who Beat Son in Baltimore Riots Cause More Harm than Good!

The following article is a must read. It was written for the Washington Post by Stacy Patten


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