Empowering Black America through Holistic Engagement
The Truth: Black Lives Don’t Matter

The Truth: Black Lives Don’t Matter

The Truth: Black Lives Don’t Matter

Black Lives MatterOne would have to be living under a rock not to be aware of the current state of Black America. The rate at which white police officers are killing young black men and women has literally reached epidemic proportions, and although it has raised the ire of many in the black community, it has not yet sparked any productive activity that is capable of engaging this dynamic conundrum in a manner that will produce efficacious results.

At some point, blacks must come to the realization that war has been waged against us for centuries, in the form of slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, and now, systematic annihilation. Black people are unique to every other group in this country. Not simply because of our black skin, but based on the condition under which our ancestors arrived here. Every other group, other than Native Americans, which stand on the edge of extinction, came to this country under their own volition. They came to this nation to exploit the opportunities that this country so effectively promotes on a global level. However, blacks have a darker history in this country.

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The place that blacks have in this country was best summed up by Supreme Court Justice Roger B. Taney, when he said, “The black man has no rights which the white man is bound to respect.” Taney made this statement as a part of the Supreme Court’s ruling against Dred Scott, a black man who had sued to establish his rights as a free man in America; however, this statement laid the foundation on which systematic racism would be perpetuated against blacks for the next 150 years.

There are many who believe that it was Taney’s statement and the court’s decision that was one of the most prevalent catalysts of the Civil War, and I concur; however, blacks must not become enamored with the Emancipation Proclamation or the sentiments of many people in the North during this time. The freeing of black slaves was not an act bound to or underwritten by moral turpitude, and it definitely was not the proclamation that blacks were to be included in the constitutional declaration that all men are created equal. This can be observed in the words of Abraham Lincoln.

“I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about, in any way, the social and political equality of the white and black races — that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people…”

Lincoln went on to state that he believed that there was a distinct physiological difference between the white race and the black race that, in his postulation, would eternally forbid the two races from living together in harmony, or on the terms of social equality.

One thing that black people must come to grips with is that the effort by President Lincoln and other northern politicians and power players to free black slaves in the South had nothing, whatsoever, to do with morality, nor the acceptance of blacks as equals. It was due to the fact that the economy in the South was growing too powerful, and it meant that the Confederate States would have the power to remove themselves from the Union to exist as its own nation. This would have left the North — the Union — extremely vulnerable, especially from an economic and military perspective. The reason that the Confederate states were growing so rapidly as far as their economy was concerned was simple — they had free labor in the form of slaves. This gave them a decisive advantage over the North as far as the ability to compete in a free enterprise system is concerned.

So, blacks must resist the notion that there has ever been a time that the power structure in this country has ever viewed them as equals or even citizens. Some would argue that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 rectified the injustices that had previously been legally justified, but the Civil Rights Act only served as the initiator of a new area of Jim Crow practices. To gain a greater insight into this, read The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness.

The system of white supremacy in America has always been, and will always be, hostile toward people of African descent, especially African Americans. Gaining a lucid perspicacity of this truth will help blacks to frame what is taking place today in better context. When blacks actually begin to accept the fact that there has never been a true intention to effectively integrate us into the American dream, they will be able to abandon their efforts that are focused on assimilation and acceptance. It will make it easier for blacks to understand what seems to be the senseless slaughter of young black men. The truth is that it is only senseless to those who fail to understand the end game of white supremacy racism. Even to the black person who understands the system of racism, the systematic killing of young black males is not senseless. It is horrific, and it is devastating, but it makes perfectly good sense. Black men are a threat to white dominance.

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Look, when a group of people has the potential to threaten your existence, the only way that you can protect your race for certain is to annihilate the other race. This is now, and has always been about survival. Regardless to how civilized the framing may be, the ultimate goal is the same. The problem that I see on the surface is that every group in America understands the simple concept of self-preservation, except blacks.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of blacks are still grappling with the shackles of psychological slavery as they continue to demand acceptance and validation from a race of people that has always been hostile toward them. As long as blacks would rather attack other blacks than to attack the system of racism in this country, we will continue to experience the systematic slaughter of our men, which represent our future. As long as the primary goal is to just get along, we will continually find ourselves in peril. The machinations of white supremacy racism are highly complex, and they impact every area of our existence.

It is only when we realize that we must graduate from our “Black Lives Matter” protests to establish an economic system of power that can underwrite our verbal, written and physical protests that we will actually experience any results in the way of relief and genuine opportunity. It takes more than screaming and posting that black lives matter. It requires proactive engagement that involves taking responsibility for our own situation. We must stop expecting our enemy to provide the relief that we so desperately need. Freedom, security and opportunity is something to be seized, not requested.

I have said this on more than one occasion, and I will share it here with you again. Until blacks develop an economic center of power, all of the protests that we participate in will be the equivalent of a collective temper tantrum. It has no power or influence on the situation.

When I think about the most recent incidents of genocide against blacks here, which include Walter Scott, Freddie Gray and Rekia Boyd, I am reminded of just how far we have to go as a people. The problem is that we have spent years operating from the platform of an erroneous strategy of inclusion. We have spent far too much time attempting to find our place in a system that is hostile toward us. Surprisingly enough, we have yet to learn that our acquiescence to the system has not rendered us any positive results. This is due to the fact that when a system is hostile towards any group, the more that group gives to the system, the more that system will take.

Make no mistake about it, it is black compliance that has provided white supremacy racism with its power. If black lives really matter, we must give them value by preparing them through properly educating them. If black lives really matter, we must be willing to create consequences for taking one, and that goes for anyone. If black lives really matter, we must be willing to develop long-term strategies that serve to perpetuate the existence of the black race. Black rage must be replaced with proactive and calculative action. Until we unite and begin to build our own and prepare our youth for a future in which they are competing in the world of entrepreneurship, investing and ownership, black lives will not matter. You don’t establish that black lives matter by saying it, you establish this truth through the actions that you take. ~ Dr. Rick Wallace, Ph.D.

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