Empowering Black America through Holistic Engagement
The Black New World Order

The Black New World Order

The Black New World Order

The New Black World Order1Quite a few hours of my weekend have been spent in deep thought concerning what lies ahead for my people. One would be hard pressed to search through the annals of history to find a collective group of people who have been oppressed to the degree and extent that African Americans have. Yet, we stand at the threshold of endless possibilities. We have withstood the full brunt of white-supremacy racism, but we are still standing.

I am in no way delusional concerning the journey we have undertaken, but I remain optimistic about the ultimate outcome. We will return to our rightful place as kings as queens. I am not sure if it will happen in my lifetime, but it begins now. It is time that we rise up to meet our destiny. Make no mistake about it, we will have to fight to push our way through. This is not a journey of comfort nor ease. It is the fertile soil of adversity that serves to cultivate the seeds of faith and promise. We must push inexorably through the difficulty.

The one thing that I can tell you is that victory will not come through the picket sign, nor will it come at the ballet box; not until we strengthen ourselves economically. It will not come until we place aside our differences in philosophies and religion in order to embrace a cause that is common to us all — the melanin that makes us great!

We must embrace the concept of black group economics practiced vertically, for it is the foundation of our strength. We must rebuild and restore the black family nucleus, for it is our hope. We must expand our vision beyond instant gratification, for endurance infused with perseverance is our rally cry. We must shake free of the psychological chains of slavery, for that liberation will produce infinite power.

For months I have been coming to you concerning the work that we are doing at the Odyssey Consortium: The Black First Initiative, The Community Infusiton Project, The New Black Wall Street Network, and more. We are working to implement a plan that will help blacks in this country break the chains that have held us captive for centuries in order to usher in a Black New World Order! We have everything we need to do it. We simply must stand together.

I need those who believe in elevation and power to come stand with me. We need your support. I spent last week spot testing ad campaigns for the Community Infusion Project. That was done on my dime. This is a process of using media to change the message. This is produced imagery and content that will be diametrically opposed the messages of mainstream media. This campaign begins tomorrow with a conservative budget of $500 per week. Obviously, the budget will need to be grown, but we must start somewhere, and we can no longer wait. Honestly, I would love to see that budget start at $1,000.

We are also preparing to create video material to subsidize The Community Infusion Project, including a 5-part documentary series entitled The Rise of a Black Nation.

Also, we are publishing a complete written volume to outline our descent and our ascension, entitled The Black New World Order. This deals with the global rise of the black race. It will be my twelfth published manuscript, and by far the one I will be most proud of. The manuscript will be finished in less than six weeks, and the next phase of publishing begins.

This book will be in eBook, paperback, and hardback forms. It will be made free to anyone sending it to a black brother or sister that is incarcerated. We will feed knowledge to all who thirst for it. Our incarcerated brothers and sisters will need to be prepared to resume their roles when they return to the Black New World Order.

There are many of you who will see this and believe it to be rather lofty, and that is because the white supremacy system has quenched your spirit of vision, and constrained your ability to dream. We are descended from the people who built the pyramids, created medicine and mathematics. There is no such thing as impossibility for those willing to step beyond the realm of fear.

I am personally asking each of to commit to financially supporting this mission until we become autonomous. We need to raise an absolute minimum of $1,500.00 this week, and the ad spends for the Community Infusion Project start tomorrow, so that is $500.00 by tomorrow.

Listen, I know that we can do this. Walk with me on this one. Lets see what unity in purpose can do.

Go to http://www.gofundme.com/RealTalk to support the cause.

Everyday, I leave nothing on the field of battle, now I am asking you to send me out onto that field better prepared.

We must also learn how to maximize social media. What we see as a social playground, the enemy has been using as a weapon of mass destruction, and many of us have played into it by clicking the “Like” and “Share” buttons — unwittingly propagating damaging information. Let us reverse that. Click those “Like” and “Share” buttons when you finish reading this. Make it go viral. Make it count. Make no mistake about it, we are in the fight of our lives. Let’s take it to the mat. ~ Dr. Rick Wallace, Ph.D.
#newblackwallstreet #blacknewworldorder #riseofablacknation #blackfirstinitiative #odysseyconsortium #blackempowerment

One comment

  1. Don Droesch

    Look at the population growth in the US. By 2045 Whites will be in the minority! Whites are only having 1.3 children while blacks are having 3.8 per couple. By 2o60 blacks will outnumber whites. So will Hispanics and possibly Asians. White power will be gone forever! What will blacks do to whites when they are in control??? LOL! You can imagine this by looking at what whites did to blacks for 400 years! I would not want to be a white person in 2075. Furthermore, interracial marriage is at an all time high as is the incidence of unmarried white females having mixed race babies! The black man will rule! Blacks are typically taller, stronger, more athletic and as their influence grows so will their authority over whites grow!
    Lastly there is no stopping this trend. Young whites will soon realize they are being passed by in life because the majority will make it hard for them to advance.

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